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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This and That and Everything Inbetween!

I wonder how many posts I can begin with "I've been a bad blogger" before you all get tired of my excuses and stop visiting here?! :)

But at this season in my life it seems the truth. I want to blog, I miss writing and often I think to myself that I need to blog about this or that and I just don't find or take the time.

So just for the sake of those who care and are interested in what's happening here in the Smith home - here is a recap of some of the past several days.

 Gabriel had a play at school last week and he played Pa Jones in the Little Red Rooster (modified to accommodate a boy playing the "hen" instead of a girl! ;)

 He did a GREAT job and his teacher told him that he had a good stage voice...and she was right! He was one of the few kids that you could really hear and understand. We were so proud of him!!  He was even chosen to be the person who introduced each play and welcomed the guests!

 Later that same day we went out to Awana with him and watched him get his awards for the year! He completed 2 books and so he got 2 ribbons!!
 On Saturday we went to Sioux Falls to spend the day with my family and celebrate Miss Isabel's third birthday!! She was pretty excited to celebrate and even got a new bike from her mom and dad!

 Elijah REALLY enjoyed the cupcakes she had...

 So much so that he got frosting up his nose with each bite!

 Karlena's "Jeff Daniel's" look is back and she was rocking it pretty good this day.

 My mom was in heaven holding little Gavin. Can't you tell?? 

 He is just such a sweetheart I can't even tell you!!

 This morning work started on our new roof. And man did these guys work FAST. We have a pretty big roof and I thought it was crazy to think they would finish in a day but for the most part they did. There is a small ridge cap in the back they have to come back and finish - but it looks great!

 Here are a few shots of the new shingles. We had that big storm right after we moved here and thought that our roof was fine but decided late in the summer to have an adjuster come and check it out just to be sure and they totaled the roof - so we made some arrangements in the early fall to have it completed this spring.

It was nice to have someone else just come and do the work....last time we "encouraged" our family to come and help do it ourselves when we lived in Beresford. When Isaac heard that we didn't have to do any work on this job he was thrilled! They even cleaned up every last shingle on the ground. Good stuff!

Elijah's third birthday is Friday and we are having a little party on Saturday for him.  The kids are done with school for the year tomorrow at noon and are both pretty excited about it. Can't believe we made it through almost a year here in Marshall...what was scary last June - now feels like home and where we belong! 

God is good!!

Oh and I picked a winner from my Heart's of Haiti giveaway - Kami, I will be sending you your necklace soon...I promise. At least I will try very hard to get it in the mail within the next week or so! ;) I know you understand how that goes!!

WOW - what a week. Hopefully some day I will find some time to get back into blogging a little more frequently - but I am not making any promises....just know that we are doing well and we are always thanking God for His many blessings. He is good indeed!

Have a wonderful rest of the week friends!

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