If you haven’t already heard, I am an auntie again!! Beth and Jeff welcomed beautiful Isabel Megan into the world at 2:34am Saturday May 9th! She was an amazing 9lbs and 21.5 inches long. Praise God for a healthy baby!! I promise that I will get a photo up as soon as possible – our computer at home was not allowing me to download the photos the other day!
Isabel is adorable though and such a calm and sweet girl. It makes me very excited to meet our son – hopefully VERY soon! What a blessing that will be to have 2 new babies at our family dinners on Thursdays!
I am so proud of Beth too. Being a new mom really is scary. You don’t really know all the questions to ask until you come across a situation that you don’t know how to handle! But Beth is doing a great job asking questions and learning how to be more flexible! It is so much fun to see her and Jeff in their new roles and I know that they will give Isabel a wonderful home.
I remember with Isaac that I really had no clue what to expect. Add to that we were young parents, in our last year of college, broke most of the time and selfish individuals. We weren’t prepared for what a change this would mean for our lives and still so selfish that we both didn’t consider each other’s needs as parents and as husband and wife like we should have.
But God had a way of redeeming that time and making something beautiful out of it. We are in such a different place in our lives now it is hard to believe how we have changed. Are we perfect? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! But we both are seeking to be better people individually and together that I know some of those struggles we had before will be managed better.
And we know where we need to turn in the difficult times to gather strength. God has promised us that if we seek Him together and make Him the center of our home that He will guide our path, He will redeem what once was broken and make it whole. We just have to be willing to turn over the reigns.
What a promise and a gift. So as I struggle to be patient in waiting for our little one to arrive, I will remember that all of this was made possible by a God that has been patient with us time and time again, a God that loved us and called us to Him. A God that chose us to be this little ones parents. It is well worth the wait!