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Monday, March 18, 2013

Follow along with Bloglovin

Hello friends!

I know, I know....it has been a LONG time since I have posted here. I am so sorry. I need to get better about blogging and taking pictures of my family! One of these days I promise! ;)\

Anyway - as so many of you know already Google Reader is going away and so we will need to find alternate ways to "follow" the blogs we love.  I know some of you subscribe via email - and those should still be fine. 

But I am not sure how this change affects Google Friends Connect - so if you follow me that way please consider subscribing by e-mail or you can follow me with Bloglovin.

I am using Bloglovin to follow many of the blogs I currently follow. It is just a different platform - but you can organize the blogs you read into categories and I get an e-mail when ever there is a new post. I love it!

I am so grateful for each and every one of you that stops by to share life here so I'd love to keep you around even when the changes happen this summer!

And soon I will update on all that has been happening in our family recently!!

Happy Monday!

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