I know, most of you probably thought that I had given up blogging all together. I have found it hard to make time for updating this site and my
other blog. But a few weeks ago I was looking for an old post that I knew I had written and I was searching for it and got to re-read some of the posts I wrote about our kids and just loved seeing how they have changed....so I am going to try and keep this going a little longer!
This past Saturday we had our family pictures taken by my friend Heather from our church. She is super talented and I am just thrilled with how the pictures turned out!
Here is just one of my favorites. Love this family of mine!
Isaac is a junior this year and has a tough schedule for school. 2 math and 3 science courses along with some others...it is going to be a hard year - but he is doing the work and his grades are showing for it. We are proud of how hard he is working! He also has a part time job at Hy-Vee in the produce department and a 2nd side job cleaning at a financial investment office a couple of times a month. He stays very busy! In just a few days we are heading over to SDSU to visit his first choice in colleges! I can't believe that we are even at the place where we are thinking about all of this....but I am confident that he will succeed at whatever he decides to do.

Gabriel is in the 4th grade and loves his teacher and going to school. Math continues to be his favorite subject and he also enjoys reading. Goosebumps is the series he is reading right now. He has been getting through the books so fast that he is almost done with all of them and we will have to find another series to start. Any ideas?? He got a set of youth golf clubs from my uncle Jim this summer and would be playing golf all the time if he could. Wish my brother Mark was closer and could teach him how to play because I have no idea! :)

Elijah is in all day preschool 2 days a week this year and then also goes for "Fun Friday's" each Friday morning. This week they are making scarecrows out at the teachers farm on Fun Friday! Elijah LOVES school and wishes he could go every day. Well every day except today when it was fire safety day. He was scared by the fire alarm and now talks non stop about our house burning down! ;) We even had to walk through the house and show him all the fire alarms in every room. But I am certain that he understands the importance of "stop, drop and roll"!

Karlena is every bit sass and sweetness. The biggest news with her is that she is totally potty-trained!! It went amazingly fast and all thanks to our daycare "mom" Markel. She thought Karlena was ready and worked with her and had it figured out in a week! So amazing. We are very grateful for her in so many ways! Karlena wants to go to "scoot" just like her brother and copies everything Elijah does and says. When Elijah was hunting cicadas this summer, so was Karlena. :) They also find ways to get in trouble together and then blame the other one. Last week Karlena found an old toothbrush and opened the tub of diaper rash cream and "painted" all over the carpet in her room. When I caught her red-handed she said "Elijah did it". :)

Dominic and I are going on 8+ months working together at LEPS. We have been unbelievably busy. Like "this isn't us but all God" kind of busy. It can be a bit overwhelming at times because we work long hours and lots of weekends...but we can see how much of a blessing this has been so it is worth it.
But goodness we are in desperate need of a date night! :) When Heather was taking our pictures she told us to kiss and told Dominic to put his hands on my face (or something like that)...when he did she said "Don't make it look like you are trying to kill her!"
Oh my goodness it was hilarious....seriously we started laughing and couldn't stop!
And Heather being the good photographer, caught it all! I love that we have these....but we were joking that we didn't know how to be romantic and how bad we needed a date night!
I am glad that in spite of the difficulties we have had in the past, we can still laugh together. Dominic is my best friend and I am grateful that we get to work together...(even if I drive him nuts every once and awhile)
So in a nutshell that is where we are. Goodness, what am I going to use for my Christmas letter now?? Maybe I shouldn't post this huh?! :)
Thanks for sticking with me here when I have been so bad about updating. Hope you are enjoying the start of fall! Blessings to all of you!