This picture is titled "What happens at Grandmas stays at Grandmas". You probably can't see it from the photo - but that is written on their onesies! Aren't Elijah and Isabel just the cutiest cousins ever?! I am sure they will be quite the pair!
This picture is titled "Finally Sleeping". After a long day of on and off fussiness - Elijah fell asleep in his car seat outside with me on the deck. I don't think it lasted long but he was so cute I couldn't resist taking a picture!
I call this one "Goofy Gabriel". I was trying to get a nice photo of big brother Gabriel - but he just felt like being goofy!
This picture is called "Can you believe this is my first baby Isaac?" Because Eiljah was born on May 18th and Isaac on November 18th, in a few short months we will have a teenager and a 6 month old! Freaks me out just a little!!
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