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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

True Thanksgiving

We have so much to be thankful for and because Thanksgiving is tomorrow I thought that I would just take a little time and share some of the things that I am most grateful for.

A year ago at this time life was so stressful. We were dealing with uncertainties about why God brought us here to MN and I personally was so afraid of our future. Today I have to shake my head at just how little I was trusting in God to lead our family through the storm we were in.

Today I can see how God was working long before in preparing us to be where we are today. And because of some very faithful prayer warriors, strong supporters and encouragers...we walked through that storm and continue to see and feel God's blessings in our lives.

So first and foremost I am so grateful for my relationship with God. I know that there are times when I am not faithful or trusting like I should be...but God continues to love me, failures and all, and I feel His presence in my life daily.

I am grateful for my supportive husband and beautiful kids.  I know that I probably take each and every one of them for granted on a daily basis. But I am so blessed to be a wife and mother. My life is so full. Dominic is my best friend and each one of my kids brings me such joy.....I have much more than I deserve for sure!!

We have such an awesome extended family.  On both sides of our family - we just have great parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles etc. When we are together we laugh and celebrate life. And I love that we can stay connected to family through things like blogging and Facebook. It is nice to stay in touch more than just 1 or 2 holidays a year!

I am thankful for the amazing growth of Dominic's business. It was a far off dream of ours and neither of us would have believed that we would be in this place a year ago. Dominic has said it is as though God has just reached down and said "I bless this"....such an amazing gift. My prayer is that we continue to make good choices and honor God in the process.

The list can go on and on....my job, our daycare, our families health, a home and cars that get us where we need to be, more food than we can eat, money in the bank, we really are so over blessed.  I don't want to take any of it for granted.

Even when life isn't "perfect"..even when we are going through trying times, there is always something to be grateful for. So while it may feel like "times of plenty" right now, I don't for a minute forget the times that felt desperate and thank God that He was there in all of it.  I have grown because of tough times and am thankful that God doesn't change even when things around me change!

We are celebrating Thanksgiving on Saturday and so tomorrow we will just be home as a family. Maybe putting up some Christmas decorations or lights, making some homemade pizzas! :)  This year I am trying not to stress any of the preparations for our time together.  I am just so glad that our extended family is coming to see us and that we have the opportunity to welcome them and show them how grateful we are to spend time with them.

So Happy Thanksgiving friends. I am grateful for each of you that comes here to spend time with me...you are all awesome!

1 comment:

Sarah E @ theteacherswife.com said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! What a difference a year makes, huh?! I'm thankful for many of the things you listed as well - we truly are blessed! Sarah :-)

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