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Monday, January 30, 2012

For the Mother of a "Spirited" Toddler

Whenever people ask how many kids we have and I list their names and ages people often say "Wow - you must be busy with a 2 1/2 yr old and a 1 yr old!"

And for the most part they are right. We are busy. But who isn't these days right?! 

Until we had Karlena I didn't know what it was like to have a calm, quiet child. Sorry boys...but that was just never the case with you! :) And until Karlena came we had a pretty hefty "space" between the ages of the kids too.

So having a potty training toddler and then an infant at the same time was new to me. And I will be honest I was in NO WAY prepared for it.

Elijah is, shall we say, sprirted in every sense of the word. But he is a joy to have around....most of the time! ;)  There are those occasional and oh so rare moments that he decides that he is not going to behave.

Some days those moments come in waves and I find myself scolding him or putting him in time out more often than I am encouraging him and rewarding him. And those days I feel like such a failure.  What parent enjoys being upset with their child?? Not me!!

And if I am honest I am probably more worried about what others will think about me and my failings as a mom than I am about his actual 2 yr old behavior.

I came across this post today from Lysa TerKeurst and I just had to share it. Because I know there are other mothers (and maybe even fathers) out there that have a hard time raising a sprirted son or daughter.

We just want them to behave and stay within our little "box" of rules. But sometimes that spirit grows in them to adulthood and some more than amazing things come out of it.  So today I am joining Lysa and praying not for a "good child"...but for a "God-following" adult. 

Please jump over and read Lysa's post here and be encouraged and then join with me in praying for our children that they desire to follow God with all their hearts...even if it means they break a rule every once and awhile!

Happy Monday to you all!!

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